Be hot, be sticky, be social, and be energized knowing that the on the flip side we will be cold, reserved and sleepy in a matter of months. Remember that there always is a yin for the yang. Honor Mother Nature and her seasons. Don’t override her.
Acupuncture Drunk
After laying in a serene room on a warm bed with soothing music and a foot warmer, you lazily roll over and get dressed. A delicious feeling of peace, fogginess, and calm washes over you. Your eyes are glazed and at half-mast. You stumble out of the room while your acupuncturists smiles and giggles mentioning you are “acupuncture drunk.”
Sports Acupncture for Injury Prevention
One of the most heartbreaking events to happen in an athlete’s world is injury! Athletes and active people prefer to continue through many, if not most, injuries because working out is so much more than a way to burn calories and lose weight! It is a physical, emotional and spiritual release. It is a way to find peace, ease and balance. It is a way to feel in control in an out of control world. Telling an active person that they need to take time off to recover is like cutting off their lifeline.
Acupuncture Improves Athletic Performance
Athletes of all levels ponder the question: how do I improve my performance? Answer: Acupuncture. Thousands of years old, this effective and proven Chinese treatment has been praised for its medicinal properties of healing and recovery.
NFL and NBA athletes, professional tennis players and dancers, and elite triathletes swear by the results of this time-tested therapy